If you've been invited to participate in a class action lawsuit, you could be trying to decide if you want to participate or if you would rather file a lawsuit on your own. Both options have their benefits, but you may want to join a class action lawsuit for these reasons.
1. You Don't Have to Pay All of the Legal Fees
One concern that many people have is how much it will cost for them to hire an attorney to help with their case. Those who do not have the financial resources to hire a lawyer of their own might not be able to file a lawsuit at all. Even those who have more financial resources may be concerned about how much of their settlement will have to go to legal fees.
When you join a class action lawsuit, you don't have to shoulder the cost of the legal fees on your own. Instead, the cost of the legal fees will be divided among all of the people who are involved in the lawsuit. Some of your settlement winning wills go toward legal fees, but the cost of having a team of lawyers work on your case will be a lot cheaper.
2. Your Chances of Winning Might Be Improved
You might be more likely to win your case if you become a part of a class action lawsuit. For one thing, since the legal fees will be divided among more people, your group might be able to afford a better and more experienced legal team. Additionally, a lawsuit that has multiple plaintiffs may draw more attention and may involve more evidence than a personal case that only involves one person.
Many people worry about filing lawsuits because they think it will be a waste of their time. After all, many lawsuits do end up getting dismissed. Of course, many class action lawsuits get dismissed as well. However, participating in a class action lawsuit might increase your chances of winning. If the case isn't won, then you'll have less invested than if you had filed a lawsuit on your own.
3. You'll Have Fewer Responsibilities
Even though you might be interested in filing a lawsuit, you could be concerned about the amount of time that you'll have to dedicate to handling the lawsuit. You might be a busy person, and you might not have a lot of time to meet with attorneys or go to court.
You might even be overwhelmed about everything that is involved with filing a lawsuit. You might not know how to look for an attorney, for example.
When joining a class action lawsuit, you may find that the attorneys have already been chosen and hired. The legal team might have already done a lot of the research. You may be able to participate in the lawsuit without having to do much yourself.
In fact, you might be notified that you qualify to be a part of the settlement, and you might just have to submit a form that states that you're interested in being a part of the lawsuit. You may be asked to submit some evidence, such as a receipt that proves that you purchased a certain product, but your involvement should be limited beyond that.
Joining a class action lawsuit is ideal for many people. Of course, if you aren't sure if you'd like to join a class action lawsuit, you can always talk to an attorney to find out what he or she suggests. For more information about class action lawsuits or to file a lawsuit of your own,
contact us
at Friedman, Poole & Friedman, P.C. today.